Monday, February 21, 2011
*If you're going to be succesful, you have to take some big risks.*
When I think of taking big risks, this is the first thing that comes to my mind. A cliff diver has to be relying on faith itself when they take a plunge into the ocean. They will never know the exact outcome of their choices being made, until it's too late. This is a big risk, but there are people that accept this, because they know in the end that it will turn out the way that it's supposed to, good or bad. I admire people who are fearless in their actions because it shows that they have some type of reliance, and in this, I believe it makes them a better person. Sometimes you must take big risks to become succesful, and if you don't take risks, you'll never know the outcome.
When relating this picture and statement to the play, I think that there is some similar "cliff diving", if you will, with the families actions. Whenever Mama puts all of her faith and trust into Walter by handing all of the money they have to him, she also hands him her heart and soul in a sense. Trusting in someone isn't the easiest thing to do, but the possibilities of what happens if you do are endless. When Walter hands over the families money to Willy Harris, I think of him as jumping from the cliff, and when he fails and loses the money forever, that is him plunging into the ocean. This picture best describes to me the outcome of the families lives.