Monday, February 21, 2011

*Most people don't try hard enough to see the other fellow's problem.*

This picture represents a sad person who shows their dissapointment and depression through their obvious expression. When you see a happy person at school, you may think that they are always that happy so you shrug them off, but does anyone really see what that person is like out of school? Sometimes actions don't show it all. You have to dig deeper to see what the real person is like. They might be putting on a show to make themselves seem vibrant and joyful all of the time, but really there might be another side that you haven't seen in them.

When relating this picture to the play, the thing I think about the most is Walter and his dreams to desperately get rich by investing in a liqour store. Everyday his wife puts down his dreams, but does she really know what its like for him? And Beneatha treats her brother with a huge amount of disrespect throughout the play. She doesn't even know what Walter was going through. And in the last few pages of the play, when Walter gives away all of the money, there is a huge disappointment in himself, but no one in the house could have been feeling what he was. Mama understood the pain he was in, but she could not relate to his feelings at all. If you look into the person and understand their reactions more, you will see that it is not always what it seems.

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